Thursday, March 17, 2011

Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2011

By Sean Knight

Normally I write up this list to go along with my Knight Awards every year.  This year I decided to do a full blown post for the blog.  Read on after the jump to discover my top 10 most anticipated films of 2011 with commentary.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Remember Me?!?!


I don't know if y'all remember me.....i'm jamie (the other opinionated bitch). I've been crazy busy lately and haven't been giving the blog the attention it deserves. i owe a BIG thank you to Sean for keeping the ship running. Don't think I haven't been working! I am currently working on my review for The Adjustment Bureau, starring Matt Damon and Emily Blunt. I'll give you a hint as to how the movie was: BAD. Check back later for my review. In the meantime, I decided to post some trailers of movies that I am looking forward to seeing. I am a BIG fan of comedies and am excited for 'pAUL', starring Seth Rogen and 'Your Highness', starring James Franco and Natalie Portman.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

First Review of 2011: Rango

By Sean Knight

For me the start of the 2011 Film Season usually kicks off around March.  March is the earliest time that anything even remotely resembling a good movie will come out (with a few exceptions here and there - most recently Shutter Island last year) and Oscar Season is usually over by at least the end of the month.  The first film I chose to see this year was Gore Verbinski's Rango.  I must confess that the early trailers for the film did very little for me though I did recognize that at the very least it would be an interesting looking film.  I went into the theater a little hesitant because the thought that wouldn't escape my mind was - how many talking animal animated films do we really need?  And worse yet, how many of them are actually any good?  Rango itself starts out a little hesitant.  The jokes land flat, Johnny Depp seems completely out of place in his lizard body, and the pace seems very off.  After these first ten minutes though I began to realize that this was all part of the point of our hero's journey.  Rango quickly becomes an artistic triumph and loving ode to the western genre and the art of filmmaking itself.  Full Review after the jump.