Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Remember Me?!?!


I don't know if y'all remember me.....i'm jamie (the other opinionated bitch). I've been crazy busy lately and haven't been giving the blog the attention it deserves. i owe a BIG thank you to Sean for keeping the ship running. Don't think I haven't been working! I am currently working on my review for The Adjustment Bureau, starring Matt Damon and Emily Blunt. I'll give you a hint as to how the movie was: BAD. Check back later for my review. In the meantime, I decided to post some trailers of movies that I am looking forward to seeing. I am a BIG fan of comedies and am excited for 'pAUL', starring Seth Rogen and 'Your Highness', starring James Franco and Natalie Portman.

Nick Frost and Simon Pegg can do no wrong. I am really excited for this movie. I think it is the strongest comedy to come out so far and I have solid faith that this movie will not disappoint. I'm really interested to see how Seth Rogen mixes with Simon and Nick. I'm gonna try to catch it this weekend! i keep you kiddos posted. 

I can't lie....I love me some James Franco and Danny McBride. I thought they were hysterical together in 
'Pineapple Express' and I can't wait to see how they do as a duo. Plus with the addition of Natalie Portman I think we're gonna be in for a treat. 

Smell ya later.

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