Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Welcome Back! And a Special Announcement…

Hello!  And welcome back to Two Opinionated Bitches on Film.  We took an extremely long hiatus and wanted the opportunity to apologize.  When Jeanette and I started the blog we didn’t take into account how the distance between us was going to affect it.  We both lead two separate lives in two completely different states.  Communication was always an issue as to when the two of us were going to find time and get shit done.  Her and I both picked up our fair share of the slack until we both agreed that perhaps it was best to wait until we could both fully commit.  Lucky for me and the future of the blog, Jeanette moved up to Chicago this summer, but we decided to wait until she adjusted and we both had the time to really throw ourselves into this.  Well, that time has finally arrived.  Jeanette and I have made a commitment that we will both post at least four times a week and will keep the blog going with movie reviews, various film related articles, film news, and plenty of Oscar guessing.  The awards season is upon us and that led to deciding that now was the perfect time to get this started again as there will be a wealth of things to write about in the coming months.  We also have a project that we will be working on from now until the end of December.  We are proud to announce the Steven Spielberg Retrospective.

The Steven Spielberg Retrospective is a project we came up with in order to honor the director who, as it turns out, is having one hell of a year.  He has two films that he directed coming out in the thick of Awards season at the end of December, not to mention the fact that he produced several hits this year including Super 8 and Transformers Dark of the Moon.  The other reason for starting this project is that Jeanette made the embarrassing confession that she has barely seen any of Spielberg’s major works.  This was after drinking quite a bit while watching the original Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost Ark.  So the goal is simple – we are going to work our way through Steven Spielberg’s filmography from the mid 70’s up until today.  We are not going to be hitting every single film, but a vast majority will be covered including some of his not so great efforts.  What will be most interesting about this is that you will be getting the perspective of someone who knows and loves Spielberg’s work (me) and someone for who most of the films we will be watching will be a completely new experience.  We will also both make detours along the way to cover certain films of his separately (I know Jeanette will be covering his vastly underrated Empire of the Sun on her own) as well as some projects that he only produced (I plan on writing up a piece on Super 8 when it is released later this month).  It is an exciting project for us and a great way to get the blog going again.  And we have already started.  Last week we screened Spielberg’s 1975 thriller Jaws.  Expect pieces on that experience within the next couple of days.  And tonight we are screening his 1977 sci-fi follow up Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  A full screening schedule is listed below if you would like to follow along with us.  So welcome back to the blog and thanks for bearing with us.  Enjoy!

Sean and J.J.

Steven Spielberg Retrospective Screening Schedule
(Dates are tentative, but all films listed will be watched by the opening of War Horse, plus there will be surprise screenings and posts along the way! All responses to the films listed will be posted within two days of the screening)

November 8th – Close Encounters of the Third Kind (watching as we speak)
November 12th – E.T. The Extraterrestrial
November 14th – The Color Purple
November 17th – Hook
November 20th – Jurassic Park
November 23rd – Schindler’s List
November 27th – Amistad
December 1st – Saving Private Ryan
December 5th – Minority Report
December 9th – War of the Worlds
December 13th – Munich
December 17th – Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
December 21st – The Adventures of Tintin
December 25th – War Horse

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