Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm a fucking idiot.

I had a margarita (*ahem of four) last night and did something really stupid. I was playing around on itunes and instead of downloading what I THOUGHT was the latest episode of 16 & Pregnant turned out to be The Other Guys, starring Will Ferrel and Mark Wahlberg. I can be such a fucking idiot at times. I don't want to watch this movie. I knew two seconds into the trailer that this movie was going to suck major dick. But I had no choice. I paid for the fucking thing so I had to watch it. Anyway, my thoughts are after the jump. this movie wasn't as terrible as I thought it was going to be. It's an easy to watch movie because it doesn't require a lot of thinking. I was drunk so I found it funny. 

The movie opens on this over the top action sequence. Two detectives, The Rock and Samuel L. Jackson, are chasing after some criminals. They chase them all through the streets of New York blowing shit up and causing extreme damage to just about everything. It was so over the top that it was comical. And for someone who has been a fan of The Rock since his wrestling days I thought he did a pretty good job of showing his comedic side. Anyway, after the finally crash through a bus and proceed to drive said bus they end up in a good old fashioned shoot off. It's clear they just went down the list of everything that has been done in a chase sequence ever and just crossed shit off as they went. At this point you just settle for the fact that( this movie is going to be a bunch of well known actors who have sorta faded from the spotlight a bit and are in need of gig that would get their name out in the public again. (I'm talking to you Michael Keaton). 

We finally meet Detective Alan Gamble, played by Will Ferrell, and Terry Hoitz, played by Mark Wahlberg. Alan is a man who has clearly been picked on his entire life. God bless him he just tries so hard to make it seem like all the bullying doesn't affect him. His parnter is Terry Hoitz, a man who is desperate for some kind of glory. He just wants to the best at something. He's a sensitive man trapped in a buffs man body. It was fun watching Marky Mark attempt to be funny. He had his moments, like the scene in the station where he yells out, "I'm a peacock! You gotta let me fly!" He does exactly what he is supposed to do in a Will Ferrell movie, he plays to the extreme in order to get us to laugh. The worst person in the movie is definately Eva Mendes. She plays Alan's wife.  She was trying waaaaaaaaaaaay to hard. There is such a thing as trying too hard and babygirl did just that. We're already laughing because her character is married to Alan. You don't have to play the joke so much. For me she was the weak link of this movie. 

This movie was just like all the cop movies that have come before it. Two loser cops end up cracking a HUGE case and become heroes blah, blah, blah, even the underdog can be a hero thing. The best parts of this movie were:

1) When The Rock and Samuel L. Jackson leapt off the building and smashed into the pavement.
2) Mark Wahlberg shooting Derek Jeter in the leg.

and last but not least.....

Michael fucking Keaton. This man has the best lines in the whole movie because all he does is quote TLC lyrics. I died. I love Michael Keaton. You know him from Batman, Beetlejuice, and Multiplicity, and many other movies. Mikey where have you been?!?!? I didn't recognize him at first. Is it just me or does he look like he's had a facelift?! He's had something done. See this movie for the soul purpose of Michael Keaton. He'll make you laugh.

All in all this movie was ok. It had it's funny moments and it had it's not funny moments. It's a good "guys" film.

Ladies-this a movie you watch to make up for the fact that you made your boyfriend watch a chick flick.

Fellas-you'll love Eva's cleavage.

I give this movie a C.

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