Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Barbra Streisand in Talks to Produce, Direct and Star in Film Remake of Gypsy WTF????

By Sean Knight

Every couple weeks or so there is news that comes along from Hollywood that makes you say - you've got to be fucking kidding me!

Mamma Rose???
Is this really happening? seems to think so...
Reaction after the jump.

 I have been saying for years that they should make a new movie version of Gypsy that would be closer to the actual play and really focus on the acting and human drama behind the spectacular music.  This is not the film I meant.  Barbra Streisand is no Mamma Rose. She is nearing 70 years old.  It's supposed to be Mamma Rose not GRANDMA ROSE!  Now it is true that Patti Lupone was 60 when she played the part, but that was on stage and Patti pulled off looking like she could be in her 40's or early 50's. Barbra is really starting to show her age.  She also doesn't have the dark side to pull off Rose.  Barbra may be a determined woman with tenacity, but she is not insane.  The deeply hidden anger and regret that emerges at the end of act one to drive Rose insane is missing from Streisand.  She has often played funny, endearing, and quick witted characters.  She has even been convincing as a powerful feminist, but I just don't see Rose in her.  And then there is the matter of her singing voice.  Barbra used to be one of the most powerful female singers in the world - that time has passed her by. She can still sing, but Rose is a vocally demanding role and there must be a woman with a powerful force, resonance, and stature behind that voice.  I would be all for Streisand directing the film.  I think Gypsy from a female directorial perspective would be fascinating and would add layers of nuance that can sometimes be missing form various stage incarnations.  It is time to remake Gypsy, but it needs to be with an all star team with actors who can sing but, most importantly, truly act.  The latest revival of Gypsy proved that it is a work to be taken as seriously as Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf and Hamlet.  It may be a musical, but lurking beneath is a great play.  It deserves an equally great movie.  It does not deserve Barbra Streisand.

Barbra back in the day....

Barbra Today... Like I said she can still sing, but much of that power is gone and it is a much throatier sound now.  She could, I suppose, possibly make this work for Rose, but those songs are rough.  I just don't think Barbra is up to it.

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