Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Some Last Minute Research!

The time has finally come! I'm off to see 127 Hours. I'm really interested to see what all this talk is about. James Franco has been on my list of under-rated actors for awhile now and I'm so glad that he is finally starting to get the notice I think he deserves. I was introduced to him when he played Daniel Desario on Freaks and Geeks. I really wanna know who the fuck thought it was a good idea to cancel that show?!?!?! WHOSE FUCKING IDEA WAS IT?!? If you've never seen the show your fucking stupid. It stars Linda Cardellini, John Francis Daley, Samm Levine, Seth Rogen, and Jason Segel. Watch it.

Anyway, I've been flipping back and forth between three reviews that I find to be very interesting., and I find that each of the sites offers an interesting insight into the movie. If you have a free moment I urge you to check them out! I've included links to the reviews for 127 Hours after the jump. Check back later tonight for my thoughts on the film.



  1. We also like vulgar and poorly made movies.

    We enjoy seeing disgustingly crafted horror movies such as zombies devowering twitching intestines, even fighting for them (Night of the Living Dead).
